What is the determining factor to convince someone to start living a healthier lifestyle? Are we that lazy that it takes something on our body to stop working before we decide it might be a good idea? I can speak from experience when I say, sometimes that doesn’t even help. Why are we so hard headed about it? It does take more work. It does take more time. Trust me when I say, your body & health are worth it. Don’t take for granted what you have right now. Today is the first day of the rest of your life.
Haven’t you ever heard the saying “You only have one body so take care of it.”? Don’t look back 2 years from now realizing you are 30 lbs heavier than you were two years ago. Do you know how long it takes to sweat off 30 lbs? It takes a long time. Get off you bootie and do something about it now!
P.S. - I got this advice from a really good friend. I thought I would pass it along because it seemed to work with me.