Welcome! I have created this blog to not only help me, but hopefully help someone else as well. The goal is to loose this weight that has been following me my whole life. I would like to loose 55 lbs in one year. I hope this will inspire at least one person to do this along with me. I believe the more support you have the better!!! Let’s get SKINNY!!!

Friday, February 4, 2011

DAY 33

I am still feeling horrible! No exercise today. Dinner is in the crock pot cooking so I won’t have to do that later. Hopefully I will be feeling lots better tomorrow. It is weight in day.  I will leave you with this little advice to think about.

Master one new habit at a time, before going on to tackle another habit. Maybe putting some exercise in your daily routine is the first step.  Then you can start cutting out soda and so on. The objective is to develop habits that will lead us to a thinner and healthier life. 

Most people are in too big of a hurry to lose weight. I include myself in this statement.  It took years to gain the extra weight but suddenly we expect it all to come off in a couple of months. We all think that the only way we will lose weight is by totally eliminating our favorite foods--pasta, bread, cheese, or whatever. We only need to lower our calories enough to achieve gradual weight loss. The answer to losing weight is not to deprive yourself of your favorite foods but, rather, to learn how to eat the foods you love.

Talk to ya soon!!