Welcome! I have created this blog to not only help me, but hopefully help someone else as well. The goal is to loose this weight that has been following me my whole life. I would like to loose 55 lbs in one year. I hope this will inspire at least one person to do this along with me. I believe the more support you have the better!!! Let’s get SKINNY!!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

DAY 46

Come to find out I might be having an issue of not eating enough. By not eating enough it can cause you to gain weight, not lose weight! Not that I have gained, but I’m not moving very fast. Why is this so?

Apparently it has everything to do with your metabolism. The higher your metabolism, the more fat your body burns. If you have a low metabolism, then of course the amount of fat your body burns is reduced.

Skipping meals or not eating enough actually helps your body to become really good at storing fat. My body is a pro!! Why? Because it needs to, in case it is starved again in the future! Your body needs fuel to work properly, so if you don't provide it with enough, it will take as much as it can the next time you feed it and store it as fat so it will have fuel the next time it is starved of food.