Tomorrow is my official weigh in day. It doesn’t seem like there is much difference from last week’s weight. My pants feel the same too. I can’t help but think I should be doing something different. Am I doing something wrong? I hope I have lost at least 1 lb. I guess we will just have to wait until tomorrow to tell. I had a moment this morning where I was feeling really good about all the hard work I have been doing. Then I saw a recent picture of me that looks…..well…..horrible. I keep thinking I am going to see this drastic change soon, but it isn’t happening. I think seeing a picture of the way I look just makes me realize how much I don’t want to look like that anymore. I have a couple big events coming up this year that I would love to look skinnier for. I know it is a slow process but I want if off now!!!
What is better motivation, a picture of yourself thin or a picture of yourself at your biggest? I think a picture of me at my biggest is more motivating than a picture of me thin. I know I feel like a skinny girl trapped inside a fluffy women’s body. Plus it helps me to remember why I am doing all this hard work!
Hope you all have a great day!!